
Russian Eco Slim Ecoslim Healthy Weight Loss

  • Amino acid wild blueberry and polysaccharides of podophyllum work together to restart your metabolism and burning fats. They excrete toxins and excess fluid.
  • The composition of the polyphenols in blueberries and cloudberries stimulate the production of collagen and give the skin elasticity, leaving chances of sagging and stretch marks.
  • Substance synephrine cranberry Ardrone and caffeine block the production of endorphins in the intake of fatty foods. Unhealthy food will no longer make fun! As a result, you will consume as much calories as you need in order not to gain weight.
  • Biologically active substances of Arctic cloudberry excrete toxins and cleanse the blood vessels from cholesterol. The metabolism is adjusted, production of hormones returns to normal. Vitamins strengthen the immune system.
  • Drinking Eco Slim in the morning, you get a boost of energy for the whole day. The more your activity, the more calories you spend, and with them leave extra centimeters. B vitamins and a pleasant taste effervescent candy Eco Slim give a good mood for the whole day.
